domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020

Monday, 11th May

Split screen drawing of a teen bent over her phone in the dark; and of a teen talking to her mother

2. Writing an essay: CHOOSE ONE. (TYPE YOUR ESSAY)
A.  A narrative: Write a narrative similar to the texts you read on Thursday about how the Covid 19 crisis is affecting you, both as a student and from a psychological point of view (your feelings, your relations, your expectations for this year...)
Try to start your narrative with a "hook" beginning to grasp the reader's attention.
Use grammar and vocabulary studied so far along the course.

B. An informative essay: Write an essay about Covid 19 and how it has affected your generation. 
-Introduction: what is Covid 19 and how has it suddenly changed our lives?
-Body: how is Covid 19 affecting teenagers, both as sudents and from a psychological point of view (lack of motivation, lack of contact with peers, spending so much time with your family...)?
-Conclusion: What expectations do you have, as a teen, for the near future, for you and your generation?
Use the information and vocabulary about Covid 19 you have learnt these days.
Use grammar studied so far.

What to share: Solution's to Thursday's Assignment (if you didn't share them on Thursday) and the essay

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