miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

Wednesday, 15th April

  •  We have been locked down for a month now!!!! 

The following song belongs to a famous film Life of Brian.  It talks about how importatnt it is to always look on the bright side of life". Let us sing along and cheer up!!

  • Now, correction to yesterday's assignment.

-Click on the link and check your answers:
-In the answers about the video, I have highlighted some connectors. Do you know how to use all of them? Copy them in your notebook. 

Try to use these (and other connectors we have already learnt) in your essay.

  • Today's assignment: Writing an essay   (CHOOSE ONE)
-Open your Drive folder (the folder I shared with you)
-Open a new Google document (on the top left corner)
-Write your essay there
-Share your essa


A. Write an opinion essay on the following topic:
-Our lifestyle in a global world (globalization) is destroying our nature and cultural diversity.

B. Write an opinion essay on the following topic: 
-Do you think coronavirus will change our lifestyle in this globalized world? How may this affect the environment?

C.  Write a magazine article: (add a photograph if you want)
-After a recent trip to a remote area of a developing country, you became aware of the need to change the way we travel (and live). Write about:
      -Why you decided to go on this trip. What eco-tourism is.
      -What experiences you had on this trip (that made you more environmentally conscious): what you saw in terms of poverty, the lifestyle local people had and their               relationship with their environment. Compare that lifestyle to ours.
      -Do not forget to write an introduction and a final reflection on this issue. Try to be persuasive and convince readers to change, too.

-Use different paragraphs (introduction, body conclusion)
-Use connectors we have already learnt (avoid "and, but, because")
-Also try to use vocabulary from this unit and the text you read yesterday.
-Finally, use formal language and varied grammar learnt along the course: relatives, conditionals, passive, reported speech, different verb tenses...

Deadline   Friday morning, 13:00

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