martes, 17 de diciembre de 2019

Guy Fawkes


 Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.

Who was Guy Fawkes? What was The Gunpowder Plot? What celebrations are still held in Britain to remember that event? Click on the following links and find out.

A. Read the first 4 paragraphs in the following link and answer the questions below.
1. Who was ruling the country when the plot took place? Who had been the previous ruler? How long had she ruled? Who was the new ruler's mother?

2. How were the Catholics treated in this period? Why did they think things would change with the new king?

B. Click on the following link to answer the questions below.
The Plot
1. What did they plan to do? How would they carry out the plan?
2. Why was the plot discovered? Explain the details in a paragraph.

3. Explain the details why it is thought the plotters might have been framed.
4. What happened to the plotters?

C. Click on the following link to find out more about the celebrations today.
The legacy
1. What legacy have Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot left?
2. Why is the 5th of November called Bonfire Night?
3. What do people (children) do on that night?

Video 1         Video 2

BBC RECREATION    The Plotters      The letter

 rule/ruler- gobernar (gobernante)
disillusionment- desilusión
treachery- treason
lease (rent) a cellar
carry out a plan- llevar a cabo
blow up- hacer estallar
House of Lords /House of Common (Houses of Parliament)
MP-Member of Parliament
underneat- under
dig a tunnel-cavar
gather 36 barrels of gunpowder- reunir
fuse- mecha
uprising/rising- alzamiento
have second thoughts- pensárselo de nuevo
sting operation / frame-up - emboscada
pursue-prosecute- perseguir
recruit- reclutar
betray/betrayal- traicionar/traición
red-handed-con las manos en la masa
resemble-look like
firework display-exhibición de fuegos artificiales
Flee-(Fled/Fled)- Escape

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