lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

The best job in the world

Last year you were selected for the position advertised by Queensland to become an island caretaker at the Great Barrier Reef for a year. You have just come back. Write a magazine report about the experience. (Watch the VIDEO again to remember the information )
Include the following:

The job offer
-Who offered the job.
-Why this job was offered.
-Why you decided to apply for it.
-How many applicants were there, what you were supposed to do there... (some more relevant information about the offer here until you were  selected)
-Your family's and friends' opinion.

Life on the island
-Your arrival.
A short description of the island and your daily routine.
-How you felt as the months went by. (Who/what you missed....)
-A special moment there.
-The day you left (how you felt.....)

Back to normal
-Your feelings back in Spain (how you feel, what you miss, ....)
-How this experience has cahnged you.

-Plans for the near future (another adventure??)

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